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New Year 30 Day Breathwork Teleseries

Navigating Challenging Times

  • Commit to a daily breathwork practice for 30 days

  • Create, Manifest, Transform & Grow

  • Be supported with weekly 1.5 hour conference call check-ins

  • Private 30-minute phone session with Lauri & Scott

  • January 12th-February 9th (5 calls)

  • Thursday nights: 6pm-7:30pm PST

  • Cost: $200.

  • Contact to register and for more info

We are undeniably dealing with challenging times. Some questions that continue surfacing for me as the news keeps rolling in are: What am I supposed to do? How do I respond? When is it going to end? Why is it happening? and on and on. I feel that one aspect of what's happening is that I am being exposed to more information and news on a moment to moment basis than I ever have been before, and this is making it hard for me to tell whether our current times are better, worse, crazier or calmer than ever before. I'm sure everyone living in her own relative "present time" throughout history has experienced these feelings and pondered these same questions, and it's a regular part of the human condition. What I am paying attention to more now than ever before is reading the metaphorical weather of these times, and strategically picking the right clothing to match this particular climate. I am calling on my inner artist to creatively evaluate the present scenario, and I am employing discrimination to pick the right tools for this job. One particular lesson I am learning right now in my own life is that idealism, and more specifically what I'll call spiritual idealism, is one tool that is useful only in its appropriate application. Being immersed in the new age, spiritual scene as both a practitioner and a student over the last 6 years, I am realizing that I have been relying far too heavily on spiritual idealism as if it was the only tool in my toolbox, and the only one I would ever need for any challenge that should arise. It's been like my go to spice in the kitchen, if I think something needs more flavor, I throw in my favorite spice and naively believe that it's helping me hit the pinnacle essence of the dish I am preparing...if I meditate hard enough, if I pray long enough, if I stay positive enough, good things will happen to me despite what is happening externally in the world. I do believe that there are times, and there is a particular climate, when this type of approach is well suited; and what I am gathering for myself is this is not one of those times. Think of this type of spiritual idealism as a swim suit, perfect for the beach during summer, and now imagine our current time as winter, with sub-freezing temperatures and wind chill even more frigid. There is nothing inherently wrong with the swim suit, but I would argue that there is something wrong with me if I choose to wear it outside on a cold winter night. We seem to be in a season where bullying, tyranny, ignorance, aggression and the like are being rewarded and even encouraged. It makes me wonder what's the point of working my ass off to live life with integrity if the unscrupulous are winning the game? Maybe if I just say fuck it and start playing dirty and manipulating people and situations, I'll start seeing some results. Where I'm heading with this is that I feel like there is actually some truth to what my "evil Kermit" has to say. Spiritual idealism has been leading me to suppress those darker urges and inclinations for fear of becoming the proverbial Trump. In wholly denying this aspect of my self, I am also negating the inherent power that lies within these shadows. There are tools here, that when used properly can take advantage of the energetic current and momentum of the times and tap into the same inertia that the scoundrels are currently abusing, and redirect and channel some of that power in service of myself and my fellow humans. It is a fine line to attempt to walk, and this is the challenge and the practice at hand, calling more on realism than idealism, while being hyper aware to not fall over to the dark side of cynicism and narcissism. It's important that we procure a diverse and well-maintained toolbox, and practice using these tools and developing our intuition and experience so that we know what to use at any given time. We will be exploring this practice and developing some useful tools in our upcoming breathwork teleseries. The event will take place over the course of a full lunary cycle from January 12th to February 9th. Individually you will be doing a daily breathwork practice, and collectively we will be meeting on the phone on Thursday evenings to share and discuss what is showing up in our individual lives, and also in the collective experience, and support each other on navigating these challenging times, and figuring out how to ride these waves instead of being thrashed by them. I do believe that all will be fine in the end, but until the end, things are going to be tough, and it is our responsibility to rise to meet the occasion. We invite you will join us. Love, Scott & Lauri

©2020 by Ishiharado 

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